Friday, August 9, 2013

Chinese Class

 The girls have been taking a Chinese class this summer.  There were only four classes (and they missed one of them), but even with such a short time it was neat to see them learn some words.  The class was half language and half culture.  They made a Chinese dragon, did Chinese paper cutting, and on the last day made Chinese dumplings ("jiaozi").  

 They also had some egg rolls and a traditional pork dish ("lu rou fan") over rice for us to taste. 
 Cooked dumplings - so so yummy!

 This is Chinese candy that is kind of like a wafer and it is wrapped in seaweed.  Not a favorite with my girls but they did try it. :)
Leah with Sunny ("laoshi" = teacher in Chinese)

I loved this experience for my girls and hope to do it again soon!

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